Platelet-rich plasma versus open surgical release in chronic tennis elbow: A retrospective comparative study

por fev 26, 2018Dr. Alcy

Platelet-rich plasma versus open surgical release in chronic tennis elbow: A retrospective comparative study.

Mert Karaduman *, Mustafa Caner Okkaoglu, Hakan Sesen, Anil Taskesen,
Mahmut Ozdemir, Murat Altay
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara Keçiören Training and Research Hospital, 06380 Ankara,

Purpose: To compare short and mid-term results in the treatment of chronic elbow tendinosis
with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or Nirschl surgical technique.
Method: A retrospective study was conducted on patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis,
treated by Nirschl surgical technique (50 elbows) or PRP (60 elbows). Outcome was evaluated
with Visual Analog Score (VAS), Mayo Elbow Scores and grip strength measurements.
Results: VAS and Mayo Elbow Scores of the PRP group had improved as a mean of 83%
( p = 0.0001), 74% ( p = 0.0001) over baseline and 34.2 pounds gain of grip strength.
Conclusion: The PRP seems to be better for pain relief and functionality in the short and midterm

Platelet-rich plasma versus open surgical release in chronic tennis elbow A retrospective comparative study